Language Art Expressions – Perfect for Mom!

The second Sunday in May – the day when we’re all asked to stop for a moment and pay homage to the women who not only kissed our scrapes and soothed our fears, but who cheered us on at the finish line, cried at our weddings and graduations, took a thousand prom photos, studied algebra with us (bewildered but determined), endured our teenage attitudes. . . Mothers truly do it all, from making breakfast to darning socks and creating Halloween costumes out of cardboard boxes.

Mildred B. Vermont said “Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs in my field, since the payment is pure love.” Ambrose Bierce said a sweater is a garment worn by a child when its mother is feeling chilly. Abraham Lincoln said “All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother.”

At Language Art, we want to celebrate Mom with just a word or two, your choice. We’ve captured images here of our color Expressions line creating the word “mom”, as well as some others. You get to choose the letters you use – if you want “Mother” or “love” or even her name, feel free. You know your mother best, just as she knows you best.
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This quote is one of our favorites: “Every beetle is a gazelle in the eyes of its mother.” (Moorish Proverb)

If you want to be sure you’re giving your Mom a unique gift celebrating how much she means to you, check out Expressions at She’ll love you for it. But then again, she always does. That’s the best thing about Mothers.

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  1. jan keck

    Hello – loved your story and pictures – the tiles look great in article – good luck as you advertise them and by the looks of the orders that we get in each week, they are selling themselves!!! j

  2. Brinda Lambo

    I love the mom with the heart, I think I will have to get one for my mom.:)
    Does it come with the flowers?

    • admin

      Thanks! No, sorry, you’ll have to gather your own flowers to go with the expressions!